Prairie Farms Our Caps, Your Cause

MRI developed a back-end solution for managing the unique code redemption and information with the updated website for the Prairie Farms’ ‘Our Caps Your Cause’ campaign. Areas of focus included unique code storage, integration with the Prairie Farms website, reporting tools for organizations, and a basic admin tool with the ability to maintain and update […]
TRP30th Product Profiles – Contest and Sweepstakes

The Starry® x Walmart Free Gift Card Offer

Starry® is the newest flavor launched by PepsiCo with a crisp clear burst of lemon lime flavor. Leveraging the success from the Nitro Pepsi x Walmart program, MRi, PepsiCo, and the Walmart teams put together another digital sampling program. Digital ads were placed on to drive consumers to an MRi developed landing page, where […]
Pepsico PepCoin

Identifying Pepsico’s Purpose The first step we take in any successful promotional campaign is to work with our clients to identify their purpose. Why are they running a promotional campaign in the first place? What is their primary goal and how can we help them achieve it? Working closely with the Pepsico team, it became […]
Pepsi Stuff Program

The Pepsi brand had a lot to draw from in its 120 years of Pepsi, from nostalgic designs and images, to eclectic music pairings, to a partnership with the NFL. To celebrate, it would only be fitting that Pepsi combined all the amazing aspects of their brand to create a year-long loyalty campaign to reward […]