Mobile App Development to Encourage Repeat Engagement

In today’s connected world, people spend more time online and on mobile devices than ever before. In fact, according to our own analytics, there’s at least a 50% chance you’re reading this on your phone! With so many users spending so much time on their phones, brands and companies all across the globe must adapt […]
Customer Loyalty Hack: The Beauty of In-Store Promotions

It’s easier than ever to be a consumer. Digitization has transformed our phones from just a communication device to a global market, bursting with brands, advertisements, and “add to cart” behind nearly every URL. In fact, in 2021, almost 2.2 billion people (yes, with a b. That’s two hundred thousand million people) purchased something online, […]
3 Considerations Every Brand Should Make Before Choosing A Promotional Reward

The Makings of a Quality Promotional Reward The common denominator for all promotional marketing campaigns: a promotional reward. Whether it’s a sweepstakes, contest, game, loyalty program, etc., consumer participation is dependant upon a reward. So if everything hinges on the reward, why do they seem like an afterthought for some campaigns? Selecting the right reward […]