Marketing Personalization: What It Is and How to Excel at It
Open up your email inbox and take a look at the subject lines. How many of them call you out by name? Almost as if you and whoever sent it are old friends, or at least, on a first-name basis. But, how many of those senders do you actually know? How many have you ever […]
What Is a Premium Loyalty Program?
The savvy brand marketer you are, surely you’re well aware of customer loyalty programs and why your brand might want to execute one. Of course, you already know that loyalty programs nurture your customers, meet their evolving needs, and foster greater customer loyalty. But, have you considered the benefits of a premium loyalty program for […]
Back-To-School Marketing: Consumers Crave Promotional Campaigns
Rounding the corner into August, back-to-school is just a few weeks away! A massive opportunity for brands to capture greater market share and delight their loyal fans, now is the time to develop an effective strategy to get the most of it. Of course, in response to the pandemic, global conflict, and a shaky economy, […]
Use Exclusive Offers to Improve Promotional Campaign Performance
As we usher in a new era of the internet and its capabilities, consumers are increasingly demanding more from brands. Whether it’s personalized outreach, more targeted ads and suggested products, or more effective automation (to name just a few), brands must adapt to remain competitive. Exclusive offers like limited-time or customized products or specific rebates […]
7 Proven Tactics to Increase Your Brand’s Social Media Engagement
On the surface, social media engagement sounds simple, and everyone thinks they’re a pro. Post. Post. Post. Heck, look at some of the top comments and replies to a large brand’s recent post. Chances are, some anonymous user jumped into the comments to talk directly to the marketing “intern” who they assumed created the post. […]
Sweepstakes Marketing: Why Your Brand should Run a Promotional Sweepstakes.
Almost half of all marketers, 47%, surveyed stated that generating new traffic and leads is the “biggest marketing challenge they face.” Stay ahead of the curve and address the challenges your company is facing right now with our powerful and effective sweepstakes marketing to grow your brand. It’s no surprise that sweepstakes and promotional marketing […]
Loyalty Marketing: Surefire Ways to Attract and Delight Loyal Customers
Consider how many businesses you buy from on a regular basis. How do they get you to come back? Loyalty marketing, marketing campaigns created specifically to foster brand loyalty, reward customers with perks and prizes to attract and delight loyal customers. In this digital age, you can’t keep your customers unless you give them a […]
Sweepstakes Acronyms and Lingo You Need to Know
Brands have been running sweepstakes to collect data, understand their consumers, generate leads, and accomplish any number of marketing objectives with us for decades, and we’ve learned a thing or two in that time. One thing’s for sure, there is no shortage of lingo and acronyms your brand needs to know. While it may seem […]
5 Tips to Turn Your Consumer Data Into Actionable Insights
“Actionable insights” has become such a ubiquitous phrase, at this point, it should be lumped in with other corporate jargon like “synergize,” “circle back to that next week,” and “let’s take this offline.” Its overuse has nearly stripped it of any meaning. A slick salesperson might shout until they’re blue in the face that their […]
The Ever-Evolving Psychology of Brand Loyalty
The psychology of brand loyalty has baffled sales and marketing teams for decades. Over the years, we’ve gone from seeing headlines lauding customer loyalty as the gold standard of quality business and critical to its success, to being disregarded as a metric not even worth measuring. On one hand, we’re told that increasing customer retention […]